Our Solutions

Inhaled Drug Development

With integrated capabilities and vast knowledge of nasal and pulmonary delivery, We can help accelerate molecules from first-in-human through to proof-of-concept and into full development for inhaled drug products.

Our 30 year track record in the development and manufacturing of inhaled drug products includes experience across drug delivery platforms, including dry powder inhalers (DPIs) and solutions/suspensions for inhalation.


Oncology Drug Development

Innovation in oncology treatments is leading to improved outcomes for patients. We support oncology drug development from candidate selection through to commercial manufacture and supply. We have successfully completed over 300 development projects for 91 different oncology drug candidates across 34 different indications.

Our extensive formulation expertise coupled with our agile and flexible approach to clinical manufacturing and commercial manufacturing makes us the ideal partner to provide an end-to-end solution for the development of oncology drug.

Orphan Drug Development

New milestones are being made in the research, diagnosis, and treatment of rare diseases (orphan diseases) that impact small patient populations. In the European Union, a disease is defined as rare when it affects fewer than 1 in 2,000 people; in the United States, when it impacts fewer than 200,000 people.

We have supported over 50 development programs for rare diseases. From pre-formulation and formulation development, through clinical development and scale up for commercial manufacturing, we provide an end-to-end solution for the development of orphan drug products. Our flexible approach to clinical and commercial manufacturing makes us the ideal partner for rare and orphan disease drug development projects. .




Pediatric Formulation & Product Development

We are expertise and global capabilities allow us to provide an integrated solution for pediatric development. Our team has deep experience in developing palatable formulations in the OTC/consumer healthcare industry and customized pediatric pharmaceutical formulations for regulatory approval.

We have a proven record of developing age-appropriate dosage forms of aversive, bitter drug substances using a range of taste-modifying and taste-masking techniques, without compromising on product stability or PK performance.